Learn how SupplyVue can be used to move from information to insight – assessing current process performance and sizing the prize of improvement
A starting point for all Supply Chains, getting the most accurate forecast possible for any given segment or market gives any business a head start. SupplyVue doesn’t just measure forecast accuracy it analyses the forecasting process – highlighting areas where improvement is possible and quantifying the benefit of change.
Supply Chains are often the biggest cost for a business, with inventory a large part of this. SupplyVue helps companies ensure that they not only have the right sized inventory, in the right place at the right time, but also that they correct policies and processes in place. This allows product to flow through the supply chain with minimum buffers.
Companies need to understand what is driving their service performance – are inventories sized correctly for the desired service level? Additionally: Is the right forecast being used to plan deliveries; how stable is the production plan; how well do actual production volumes conform to schedules? SupplyVue can diagnose the root cause of service failures.
SupplyVue will support demand-driven replenishment ensuring that product flows through the supply chain in the optimum way for the business, its customers and its suppliers. Planning templates are defined for factories and repetitive supply cycles are used to stabilise operations; allowing factories to implement best practice changeover management.